Вторник, 02.07.2024, 19.13.51


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Hare Krishna Hare Rama ~ Swami Prabhupada

Просмотры: 4 Добавил: НЕБОСКРЕБ НЕБОСКРЕБ 
Описание материала:

The celebrated Vedic Acharya who introduced the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra to the western world His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada performs the chanting of this most powerful of all mantras. The chanting is set to an animated graphics devotional art slideshow. Animated graphics by VISHNU108. The lyrics to the Mahamantra follows.......HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNAKRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HAREHARE RAMAHARE RAMARAMA RAMAHARE HARERama and Krishna are names of God, and Hare is the energy of God. So when we chant the maha-mantra, we address God together with His energy. This energy is of two kinds, the spiritual and the material. At present we are in the clutches of the material energy. Therefore we pray to Krishna that He may kindly deliver us from the service of the material energy and accept us into the service of the spiritual energy. That is our whole philosophy. Hare Krishna means, "O energy of God, O God [Krishna], please engage me in Your service." It is our nature to render service. Somehow or other we have come to the service of material things, but when this service is transformed into the service of the spiritual energy, then our life is perfect.

Язык: Русский
Длительность материала: 00:06:17
Автор: krodhaha
Всего комментариев: 0
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